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Television Destroys Lives
A small box that can give rise to impressions and sound is often referred to by the television. He has been a staple of the community. In fact, it is not uncommon in a household where there is more than one television. As a necessity, watching television is mostly done by the people of Indonesia. In fact according to a recent study, at least 12 hours per day people spend time in front of the television screen. So television has been able to change or adjust the pattern of life.
Function of television is:
a) As a medium of illumination
b) As a medium of education
c) As a media entertainment
d) As a media campaign

But behind it all, television has many negative impacts that can destroys lives.
Television as the main broadcast media has a lot of influence on the social conditions of society. Not only kids who can not distinguish between good and bad impressions, but parents who already knew would be negatively affected by television.

The time children spend watching television in different families can be more than the parents, especially the teachers. According to Summer, and Penny Backer (1978) that the average child will watch television for 3,000 to 5,000 hours before entering elementary school. Over time, these children graduate from high school will spend time watching approximately 10,800 hours in school and 15,000 hours watching television.

Children are the most vulnerable group of viewers to the negative impact of TV broadcasts. 2002 data on the number of hours watching TV on children in Indonesia is approximately 30-35 hours / week or 1560 to 1820 hours / year. This figure is far greater than the hours of learning in primary schools are not up to 1000 hours / year. Currently the number of TV shows for preschoolers and elementary school about 80 titles per week airing in 300 times the exposure for 170 hours. So, in addition to already excessive, too many events for children are not safe.

The events displayed by the TV very little attention to the element of safety for small children. Events that contain violence, sex, and crime that display a lot of daylight. The news is often filled with criminal cases. Children will easily get a spectacle that should not be their witness. No wonder kids today can do things that violate the norms of law. Stealing, fighting, rape and other forms of crime is something we often see on TV with the offender is a child. How not someone who often see criminal events, violence, sex and so it would be easy to be affected or have the urge to do so.

In psychology described by Pavlov, when we pair the neutral stimuli or stimuli conditioned by certain stimuli (unconditioned) then it will give birth to a particular situation. TV Show called neutral stimuli while children called unconditioned stimuli it will bring a certain behavior, such as imitation. If this is done constantly then the potential for building a child's personality, a bad personality.

How is this country going forward and have a high human family resources if every day children are bombarded with the shows that mental damage them. Corruption is now the center of conversation is a form of crime that can also be transmitted through the media. Seeing people sitting centrally important dijabatan government corruption, it is no wonder if the local officials also chimed. Media is one of the factors that contributed to the spreading corruption. Community instead fear the penalties for criminals who aired through the media, but they will be more motivated to engage in corruption.

TV shows can also remove the customs handed down from their ancestors. For those who are Muslims usually they always come to the mosque for congregational prayers at sunset, but with the TV habit that turns into watching TV with family members each evening.

TV media can provide a lot of the bad side of human life. Broadcasts were aired on TV makes children develop into adults who deviate, large-scale exploitation of the poor, fooling people with the shows that are not qualified, the effects on health, and eliminate habits inherited by our ancestors.

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